Dear sister societies,
The Global Network of Societies for International Law is one of the forums where the pandemic crisis the world is undergoing will be discussed.
At the moment two debates have been planned:
One will be focusing on Regional Organisations and Covid-19.
It is organised by the French Society of International Law (Hélène de Pooter) and speakers will come from the African Academy of International Law Practice, the Indonesian Society of International Law, the ILA Brazil, the European Society of International Law, the French Society of International Law, the Portuguese Society of International Law and the ILA Global Health Law Committee.
It will take place on May 27 (2-3.30) p.m. CEST. You can attend the meeting: https://zoom.us/j/97284109504
Do not worry if you miss the meeting. As of May 28, it will be available on the GNSIL YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyUQRJ4kqs3KkRGYWlP5aoQ?app=desktop
A second debate will be organised by the Club de droit international. Further details to come.
I you wish to organise a third debate, do not hesitate!
All the very best,
Clémentine Bories
Prof. at University Toulouse Capitole, France
Sfdi - Société française pour le droit international
Global Network of Societies for International Law